Automation is coming for humans in 2018 and even the suitcases are getting techie.

Automation is coming for humans in 2018 and even the suitcases are getting techie.
The Epson Paperlab A-8000 is a dry-process paper-making system. It would shred used paper and makes paper out of them.
The aptly named “Making Weather” is a prototype you can get to boost up your ambient quality in your house, and it also could do more than just looking cool.
As someone suffers from Rubik’s cube block for years, I can relate to Takashi Kaburagi’s drive to build a self-solving one.
It took two years, some engineering skills and a lot of code to have the Rubik’s cube robot.
Lego built this functional Bugatti Chiron with largely Lego pieces, including the engine. This car has almost all the elements of a real Chiron.
There is something about the flowing motion tends to calm people down. The Mezmoglobe reminds us of a mini waterfall. One quick spin, the flowing illusion is indeed mesmerizing. We can stare and watch it all day especially when it gets stressful in the office.