Petit Pli created a type of children’s clothes that could physically grow with your kids. The Petit Pli is a …

Petit Pli created a type of children’s clothes that could physically grow with your kids. The Petit Pli is a …
Developing a successful Jewelry brand takes years. TOTWOO is a company trying to break into the market with a different angle by adding tech to their jewelry collection.
There’s little doubt that Dyson is probably the most innovative home appliance company out there. This time, we are not let down by this hairdryer.
Over the years, Japan has brought us so many products never occur to us we might need (Banana holder, noodle cooler). The next on deck is another device by Panasonic, the MS-DS100 shoe deodorizer.
When Max Gunawan brought his invention to the shark tank, all judges saw the potential we like about this product. So far the company has been growing steadily, and it has also attracted a sizeable following on Instagram due to its beautiful lighting quality,
Prinker is a device that can get you temporary tattoos in seconds. It is pain-free, and last about three days.