In the era of the bigger screen, Vinpok Split presents itself as a shortcut for more screen assets on the go and getting the premium user experience with convenience.
The 15’6 inch 1080p screen fits into your laptop pockets and it doesn’t discriminate operating system. Either you have a MacBook Pro, a windows laptop, an android phone, or a gaming console including the Nintendo Switch, the Vinpok Split works as an additional screen.

It weighs 1.4 pounds and offers touch screen capability. The Vinpok also comes with a pair of twin speakers.



We tested it on the MacBook Pro, multiple Windows laptops, the Nintendo Switch, and iMac. The Vinopok connected with them without dropping a beat through USB-C and the Mini-HDMI ports.

User Experience
The touchscreen capability is not perfect, but mainly due to software issues. For the most part, it is accurate when used as a horizontal screen unless the icons are too small.
When used as a vertical screen, the touch screen would make errors.

We tested the screen against a MacBook Pro screen. It is not nearly as good, but it might just do. Yes, the black is more like a dark grey, and the red is more of an orange color, but the screen makes it up for being sharp.

Overall, Vinpok is a great product for people who works on the go. It doesn’t take much space (no charger and only need a USB-C cable.) It retails at $399, but if you can get it on Indiegogo for $299. It is definitely worth it in our book.