Instagram, the popular photo and video-sharing platform owned by Meta, is currently testing a new feature that is causing quite a stir among users: unskippable ads. The new ad format, dubbed “ad breaks,” requires users to watch an ad for a set duration before they can continue scrolling through their feed. The ads typically appear after users have scrolled through a certain amount of content.

Several users have reported encountering these unskippable ads while using the app, with many taking to social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit to express their frustration. Some users have complained that the ads disrupt their browsing experience, while others have questioned whether they will be willing to continue using the app if unskippable ads become a permanent feature.

Instagram has confirmed that it is testing the new ad format, stating that it is “always testing formats that can drive value for advertisers.” The company has not yet announced whether it plans to roll out unskippable ads to all users. The move to test unskippable ads comes as Instagram faces increasing pressure to generate revenue. In recent years, the platform has introduced a number of new features aimed at monetizing its user base, including shopping features and Reels, its short-form video format.

While some users are unhappy with the prospect of unskippable ads, others have pointed out that the feature is not entirely new. YouTube, for example, has long featured unskippable ads before and during videos. The debate over unskippable ads raises important questions about the balance between user experience and advertising revenue. While advertisers may be eager to reach Instagram’s massive audience, the platform will need to carefully consider how to implement unskippable ads in a way that does not alienate users.

It remains to be seen whether unskippable ads will become a permanent fixture on Instagram. However, the test has already sparked a lively debate among users, with many voicing their opinions on the matter. Only time will tell how this new ad format will ultimately impact Instagram’s user base and bottom line.

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