Telegram, the popular messaging app with more than 500 million active users, has officially rolled out its Stories feature to all users after testing it with its Premium subscribers last month. Stories are a way to share ephemeral content such as photos, videos, and messages that disappear after 24 hours. Stories are also used by other social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook.
The Stories feature is part of the company’s celebration of its 10th anniversary. “For the first time in social media history, you can update any element of your Story at any time by changing the visibility, caption, on-screen text, stickers or anything else – without having to delete it and repost from scratch,” the company said in a blog post.
Telegram’s Stories feature is similar to those on other platforms but with some unique twists. For instance, Telegram allows users to edit their Stories after they publish them, which is not possible on other platforms. Users can also specify who can see their Stories, how long they last, and whether they can be saved by others. Premium users also have access to additional features, such as Stealth Mode, which allows them to see others’ Stories without leaving a trace.

Telegram’s Stories feature is now available to all users of the latest version of the app. Users can access it by tapping the Stories icon on the bottom bar of the app. Users can then create a new Story by tapping the plus icon, and choose how they want to share it by tapping the share button or setting a timer. Users can also view other users’ Stories by tapping on their profile pictures at the top of the chat list.