“Oh my fucking God.”
Elon Musk said after Tesla’s big reveal of the Cyvertruck’s Armor Glass went horribly wrong.
![Tesla Cybertruck](https://i0.wp.com/gigadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/lAHPDgQ9rQ30bnvNAWjNAeA_480_360.gif?resize=480%2C360)
When Tesla’s Chief Designer Franz von Holzhuasen slings a metal ball at the “Armor Glass,” the last thing he expected was a shattered window.
During the livestream of the event, Elon Musk challenged von Holzhuasen to try to break the glass.
Musk clearly didn’t expect the incident.
“Oh my fucking God. Maybe that was a little too hard” Musk said.
The second attempt failed as well as the glass shattered.
“It didn’t go through” Musk added.
It was a little awkward to say the least for Musk to finish the rest of the presentation in front of the broken windows.
Musk said the car would be too futuristic for most people and he didn’t care if people didn’t like the design. Production starts in 2021. You can pre-order it now for $39,900. Lower than most of the popular trucks in the market.