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Step Towards Safe Lives, Safe Health

Delivering medical supplies to remote areas can be a difficult feat especially in a situation of emergency. More than two billion people lack adequate access to essential medical supplies, such as blood and vaccines, due to difficult terrain and poor infrastructure. Hospitals and medical centers based in these areas desperately require a secure and fast delivery system to provide emergency healthcare services to its patients. Zipline logistics system has launched their latest new delivery service with exactly this aim in mind. <o:p></o:p>

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Zipline is a Silicon Valley-based company operating the world’s first and only national scale drone delivery system, making thousands of deliveries per year. Zipline has an all-new generation of autonomous aircraft which can travel faster further and with more cargo than was ever possible earlier. They can withstand high altitude, heavy wind, and even rain. Zipline’s uses a unique range of autonomous fixed-wing style airplane. These planes can fly at a top speed of 128 km/h, and a cruising speed of 101 km/h. It has a round trip range of 160 kilometers carrying up to 1.75 kilos of shipment. It can fly four times faster than the average quadcopter drone and can serve an area 200 times as large. Zipline drones can fly over impenetrable mountains and treacherous roads, delivering directly to medical facilities located in remote areas. By centralizing the supply and providing on-demand deliveries, Zipline is helping in the reduction of waste and stock-outs.<o:p></o:p>

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The service provided by Zipline is inexpensive and dependable, where the main focus is on the health of the patient.<o:p></o:p>

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How it works<o:p></o:p>

Text Message Ordering<o:p></o:p>

Health officials at inaccessible areas can text their order to Zipline for the medical products they need, on demand.<o:p></o:p>

Packed in Minutes<o:p></o:p>

All medical products are centrally stored at the Zipline Distribution Center. Even scarce or hard to source items are available at a moment’s notice. The items are carefully packaged and prepared for flight, maintaining an unbroken cold-chain and product quality.<o:p></o:p>

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The health worker workers receive updates on their order within minutes of launch. The delivery is made at the fastest pace of 100 km/hr without any pilot.<o:p></o:p>

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 Direct Delivery<o:p></o:p>

The medical products are delivered by a parachute into a specified area within 30 minutes. The health officials are notified via text message.<o:p></o:p>

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Zipline lands at the Distribution Center for a quick pit stop and takes off again, therefore, requiring no infrastructure at remote clinics. <o:p></o:p>

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