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Nintendo Labo: next level interactive gaming

Nintendo’s obsession with adding accessories
to the main console is again alive.  But
this time, better and more creative than the needless Wii controllers of
various forms. Nintendo Labo brings a more interactive yet educational gaming
experience powered by DIY cardboard kit.

By paying
a hefty amount of money for the unusual ingenuity, you will get the Variety Kit
for $69.99, which comes with 5 toy-cons and the software to realize interactive
game play. Or you can spend $79.99 for the Robot Kit to put together a gigantic
robot suit to wear and become the on-screen robot that smashes down buildings
and shoots down the foes in the game.

 <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen=”” style=”color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-family: “Microsoft YaHei”, “PingFang SC”, Arial, serif; font-size: 14px;”></iframe>

But how is
that possible to transform a virtual game experience to real life physical
actions? The whole idea is using the right Joy-Con’s IR camera to pick up the
internal workings of the completed Toy-Con and translate them to the software,
which can later reacts to the sensed movements and yields stimulation
accordingly. Thus you have your cardboard piano that plays the right tune, and
motor bike that runs fast and furious. But first, get your own Nintendo Switch
that comes at $299.


These two
Nintendo Labo kits will launch on April 20. But before that two separate Labo
Studio events will respectively take place in New York City on Feb 2-3 and San
Francisco on March 2-4.Parents
with 6-12 year-olds can sign up for these events on Nintendo’s website.

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